Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023

We had a fantastic week celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge from March 13th-16th. The children took part in a range of creative activities in their classrooms and year groups including songs, stories, céilí, tráth na gceist (quiz), and nuacht an lae on the school intercom! We also had the Comórtas Gaeilge Neamhfhoirmiúil or ‘ticket competition’ running throughout the week  to promote the speaking of Gaeilge among the children for fun in an informal way.

Irish dancing teacher Joanne McDonnell taught the junior classes some Irish dancing while Mrs Murphy held Céilís with the older children. The school ‘banna ceoil’ also performed for the school on Wednesday and Thursday and they were ‘ar fheabhas’!

‘Lá Glas’ was on Thursday, March 16th. The children and staff dressed up in green, white and gold/orange clothes.

Thank you to everyone for getting involved. You can find photos from the week here in our gallery.

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