Sustainability & STEM Week 2023

Sustainable is Attainable!

Last week was very exciting in Carysfort. We focused our attention on Environmental Sustainability through STEM subjects and the Arts. Our theme was “Sustainable is Attainable!” Children from Infants to 6th class learned about energy sources, sustainable living, reducing and recycling waste, protecting the eco-system and exploring better ways of looking after our planet. Junior and Senior Infants learned about climate change issues through the songs of “Eddie the Penguin” and had a sing-along assembly. First and Third classes concentrated on litter prevention and reduction, and presented assemblies to the other classes while helping us to attain our next Green Flag. Mr Heffernan and Ms Cotter’s classes worked on Science projects to help us achieve our first SEAI award later in the year. They experimented with Forces and Gravity.

Other activities throughout the week included Science experiments, quizzes, design challenge art boxes and a whole-school “green” anthem. All classes had a container in which to collect plastic bottle tops, brought in from home, for our “Precious Plastics” collection. Precious Plastics Dublin is a volunteer collective working on practical solutions to plastic waste.
In addition to the in-class activities we had Art workshops with Michael Cleary using repurposed
materials from Recreate, Science workshops with Junior Einstein and The Rediscovery Centre and a trip to the W5 in Belfast for the children in 6th class. 4th and 5th classes will spent time exploring Biodiversity and sustainable gardening with Nicola Tierney, a former parent in Carysfort, who will be exhibiting at the Bloom festival later this year. We would like to express our thanks to the Parents’ Association for funding these events.
Sustainability and STEM Week was an extremely busy, informative and fun week for the whole school. You can find photos of the event and activities here in our photo gallery.

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